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Great Reads for Good Food

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6 Easy Habits to Kick-start Your Healthy Lifestyle Today

A healthy lifestyle is an approach to living that emphasizes the importance of physical and mental wellness. Everyone should strive to incorporate these healthy habits into their daily lives and make them an importa...

COVID-19 Infections Confer Five Months of Reliable Immunity to Most

In a study published on January 14 by Public Health England, researchers found that people infected by COVID-19 maintain an effective level of natural immunity for about five months. The researchers looked a...

Struggling to Remember to Take Medication Each Day? Follow These Proven Tips

Despite the best of intentions, many people forget to take their medication as prescribed. When life gets busy, it is easy to let these tasks slip your mind. Unfortunately, forgetting to take impor...

7 Reasons to Ditch Processed Foods for Good

Regarding the modern diet, processed foods may be easy, but they have many potential health drawbacks. High amounts of salt and sugar can take their toll on your body over time. The same case applies to chemicals and trans fats,...

Artful Ways to Survive the Emotional Downturn of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic forced all of us to attend to new information and learn new things. One key to thriving after the COVID-19 pandemic is learning new skills, processing new information, and being prou...

For Unemployed Parents Preparing for the Fourth Quarter of 2020

Women are three times more likely than men to be unemployed as a result of the covid-19 pandemic. Women are more likely to be home navigating online classrooms with their children. Unemployed parents staying ...

Foods You Should Be Eating To Reduce Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is something most people experience without really even noticing it. For some, it can cause unpleasant symptoms such as aching, soreness, and nerve pain. However, for the majority, the effects can...

Tips for Quick Weight Loss Without Any Sacrifices

Many people turn to crash diets or quick fixes to lose weight, but these methods often require you to make big sacrifices, like eliminating entire food groups or spending long hours at the gym. Others take it too far by sk...

Fantastic Strategies To Improve Workplace Wellness

If you're like most people, you spend most of your day at work sitting in a chair or staring at a screen. It isn't good for your health. It's downright dangerous. Recent studies have shown that sitting for extended periods c...